true, i am an asshole but this video proves that others are capable of taking it to a whole new level. noel gallagher may not be able to trump these parents who tricked their poor kid into thinking he got an xbox 360 for christmas when it was really an xbox 360 box filled with crummy tshirts.
bummer dude.
Friday, February 29, 2008
what's the score of the red wings game?
this one's been floating around the 'net for a bit too but it's too damn funny not to post here. thanks to dre for sending this to me...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
rap represented in mathematical charts and graphs

i'm asian, so people automatically think i'm great at math. i also love rap. this site combines one of my true loves, with something i'm stereotypically supposed to love. it's kind of a win-win, right?
asian stereotypes,
Monday, February 25, 2008
someone please buy me a drank
ant $ tipped me off to what will certainly be the new beverage sensation soon to sweep the nation.

the anti-energy drink that comes in a purple can. now all of america's white, teenage youth can be just like their favorite chopped and screwed rapper heroes without the pesky side effects (such as unintentional leaning, a fucking great time, and in some cases death)
check out their website. usually i would embed the link in another word but the URL is just too good:
seriously, someone send me some of this stuff...

the anti-energy drink that comes in a purple can. now all of america's white, teenage youth can be just like their favorite chopped and screwed rapper heroes without the pesky side effects (such as unintentional leaning, a fucking great time, and in some cases death)
check out their website. usually i would embed the link in another word but the URL is just too good:
seriously, someone send me some of this stuff...
ant $,
e-town concrete,
purple stuff,
noel gallagher, what a guy

NME reports that Noel Gallagher is selling his Ibiza holiday home – because he can’t stand to live near James Blunt, who owns a nearby pad, anymore.
According to The Sun’s Bizarre column, Gallagher has put the £5.5million villa on the market, saying that he can’t stand living there in the knowledge that Blunt is nearby making terrible music.
While this alone makes him easily in the top 5 on the World's Biggest Asshole list, I figured if we put a magnetic dog ribbon on him he would be guaranteed #1 status.
james blunt,
noel gallagher,
shitty magnetic ribbons
Thursday, February 21, 2008
further proof that we're surrounded by dumbasses

some douchebag that works for a radio station found a pretzel shaped like the virgin mary in a bag of rold gold pretzels. what would jesus do? sell it on ebay of course!
what blows my mind is not that the person is selling it cause let's face it, we'd all cash in on this thing if we could. but the listing has been active less than a day and there are already 55 bids with a price of over $6000! does the auction winner also win a punch in the face with their high bid?
ebay link
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
rollin' on dubs

look at this horse. he clearly does not give a fuck. he's probably packin a piece in his bridle and will sell you kilos of coca if you need a connect. it's '08 and purple carriages are the new escalades. (click to enlarge)
(thanks to j-meis for the photo)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
start 'em early on that purp
Monday, February 11, 2008
roots jam session photos
the annual roots jam session is easily my favorite grammy season event of the year because you never really know what you might see if you stick around. this year was no different with the show being kicked off with a nearly 10 minute ?uestlove / travis barker drum-off that started on two drum kits but quickly moved to bongos and all other manner of percussion.

patrick co-hosted this year and did a great rendition of the police classic "walking on the moon"

out of nowhere, seal (the singer, not the animal) decided he wanted a piece of the action and performed "rebel, rebel", "wind cries mary", and "fly like an eagle". this is easily my favorite patrick stump related photo of all time.

as the night wore on i got progressively more intoxicated and less concerned with taking photos but the highlight of roots jam session (2nd half) is a tie between standing 10 feet away from prince and mc lyte bringing up doug e. fresh to perform "la di da di". sick.
very big props to tina and sarah from the roots camp for putting on such an amazing event 5 years running!

patrick co-hosted this year and did a great rendition of the police classic "walking on the moon"

out of nowhere, seal (the singer, not the animal) decided he wanted a piece of the action and performed "rebel, rebel", "wind cries mary", and "fly like an eagle". this is easily my favorite patrick stump related photo of all time.

as the night wore on i got progressively more intoxicated and less concerned with taking photos but the highlight of roots jam session (2nd half) is a tie between standing 10 feet away from prince and mc lyte bringing up doug e. fresh to perform "la di da di". sick.
very big props to tina and sarah from the roots camp for putting on such an amazing event 5 years running!
patrick stump,
roots jam session,
Saturday, February 9, 2008
new acquisitions
finally got a chance to check out the murakami exhibit at the museum of contemporary art in LA. lots of really mind blowing work on display, i would recommend it to everyone but the exhibit closes on monday. i couldn't resist the temptation of buying some of his work so i decided to drop some coin on the following two amazing lithos. limited to 300 and hand signed...

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Monday, February 4, 2008
word of the day
bodega'd \ bo-DAY-gahd \ adjective:
spontaneous pricing of everyday item, typically at an unusual markup.
"$4.99 for a vitamin water and a pack of gum? i just got bodega'd by that korean shop owner!"
editor's note: although this may seem like a racist observation i assure you it's not. after all, i am korean.
spontaneous pricing of everyday item, typically at an unusual markup.
"$4.99 for a vitamin water and a pack of gum? i just got bodega'd by that korean shop owner!"
editor's note: although this may seem like a racist observation i assure you it's not. after all, i am korean.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
when patriotism goes wrong...
so i made a quick trip home to chicago this weekend and i'm stuck behind this asshole somewhere on addison.

do you really need 6 fucking ribbons on your soccer mom van to show your patriotism to the world? oh wait, that blue one says "I LOVE MY PITBULL". is your pitbull suffering from breast cancer while fighting in iraq? i didn't think so. you win the asshole of the year award! god bless the usa for giving us this ignorant moron, i'm sure all the troops and breast cancer survivors will be PSYCHED that you think your pitbull is just as important as they are.

do you really need 6 fucking ribbons on your soccer mom van to show your patriotism to the world? oh wait, that blue one says "I LOVE MY PITBULL". is your pitbull suffering from breast cancer while fighting in iraq? i didn't think so. you win the asshole of the year award! god bless the usa for giving us this ignorant moron, i'm sure all the troops and breast cancer survivors will be PSYCHED that you think your pitbull is just as important as they are.
shitty magnetic ribbons
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Friday, February 1, 2008
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